

The code requires Python 3.6 or newer and depends on the libraries NumPy, Numpy-Quaternion, matplotlib, and for 3D-rendering of optical configurations and rays, PyVista. It also now requires SciPy ??

Using pip

If installing using pip, we recommend installing the dependencies in a virtual environment, for instance using

python -m venv <new_virtual_environment_folder>

This lets you install and use the software without interfering with the system installation of Python.

As for the installation of the dependencies:

pip install numpy numpy-quaternion matplotlib pyvista scipy colorcet

Using Anaconda

Just as with pip, we recommend using a separate virtual environment to install and use ART.


You can just download the code as a zip file from here. Or if you are using the git version control software, ou can clone the repository like so:

git clone

You are welcome to fork the code and contribute to its further development