
class Support(abc.ABC):
31class Support(ABC):
32    """Abstract base class for optics supports."""
34    @abstractmethod
35    def _IncludeSupport(self, Point):
36        pass
38    @abstractmethod
39    def _get_grid(self, NbPoint, **kwargs):
40        pass
42    @abstractmethod
43    def _ContourSupport(self, Figure):
44        pass

Abstract base class for optics supports.

class SupportRound(Support):
 47class SupportRound(Support):
 48    """
 49    A round support for optics.
 51    Attributes
 52    ----------
 53        radius : float
 54            The radius of the support in mm.
 55    """
 57    def __init__(self, Radius: float):
 58        """
 59        Create a round support.
 61        Parameters
 62        ----------
 63            Radius : float
 64                The radius of the support in mm.
 66        """
 67        self.radius = Radius
 69    def _IncludeSupport(self, Point):
 70        """Return whether 2D-Point is within the rectangular Support."""
 71        return mgeo.IncludeDisk(self.radius, Point)
 73    def _get_grid(self, NbPoint: int, **kwargs):
 74        """
 75        Return a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points.
 77        The points are distributed as a Vogel-spiral on the support, with the origin in the center of the support.
 78        """
 79        MatrixXY = mgeo.SpiralVogel(NbPoint, self.radius)
 80        ListCoordXY = []
 81        for k in range(NbPoint):
 82            x = MatrixXY[k, 0]
 83            y = MatrixXY[k, 1]
 84            ListCoordXY.append(np.array([x, y]))
 85        return ListCoordXY
 87    def _ContourSupport(self, Figure):
 88        """Draw support contour in MirrorProjection plots."""
 89        axe = Figure.add_subplot(111, aspect="equal")
 90        axe.add_patch(patches.Circle((0, 0), self.radius, alpha=0.08))
 91        return axe
 93    def _CircumRect(self):
 94        return np.array([self.radius * 2, self.radius * 2])
 96    def _CircumCirc(self):
 97        return self.radius
 99    def _Contour_points(self, NbPoint=100, edges=False):
100        """
101        Return a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points.
103        The points are distributed along the contour of the support so as to clearly define the edges.
104        The putpose is to use these points to draw a nicer mesh of the mirrors.
105        """
106        return flatten_point_arrays(gen_circle_contour(self.radius, NbPoint), [], edges=edges)

A round support for optics.


radius : float
    The radius of the support in mm.
SupportRound(Radius: float)
57    def __init__(self, Radius: float):
58        """
59        Create a round support.
61        Parameters
62        ----------
63            Radius : float
64                The radius of the support in mm.
66        """
67        self.radius = Radius

Create a round support.


Radius : float
    The radius of the support in mm.
class SupportRoundHole(Support):
110class SupportRoundHole(Support):
111    """
112    A round support for optics with a round hole.
114    Attributes
115    ----------
116        radius : float
117            The radius of the support in mm.
119        radiushole : float
120            The radius of the hole in mm.
122        centerholeX : float
123            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
125        centerholeY : float
126            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
128    """
130    def __init__(self, Radius: float, RadiusHole: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float):
131        """
132        Parameters
133        ----------
134        Radius : float
135            The radius of the support in mm.
137        RadiusHole : float
138            The radius of the hole in mm.
140        CenterHoleX : float
141            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
143        CenterHoleY : float
144            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
146        """
147        self.radius = Radius
148        self.radiushole = RadiusHole
149        self.centerholeX = CenterHoleX
150        self.centerholeY = CenterHoleY
152    def _IncludeSupport(self, Point):
153        """Returns whether 2D-Point is within the rectangular Support."""
154        return mgeo.IncludeDisk(self.radius, Point) and not (
155            mgeo.IncludeDisk(self.radiushole, Point - np.array([self.centerholeX, self.centerholeY, 0]))
156        )
158    def _get_grid(self, NbPoint, **kwargs):
159        """
160        Returns a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points,
161        distributed as a Vogel-spiral on the support, with the origin in the center of the support.
162        """
163        MatrixXY = mgeo.SpiralVogel(NbPoint, self.radius)
164        ListCoordXY = []
165        for k in range(NbPoint):
166            x = MatrixXY[k, 0]
167            y = MatrixXY[k, 1]
168            if (x - self.centerholeX) ** 2 + (y - self.centerholeY) ** 2 > self.radiushole**2:
169                ListCoordXY.append(np.array([x, y]))
170        return ListCoordXY
172    def _ContourSupport(self, Figure):
173        """Draws support contour in MirrorProjection plots."""
174        axe = Figure.add_subplot(111, aspect="equal")
175        axe.add_patch(patches.Circle((0, 0), self.radius, alpha=0.08))
176        axe.add_patch(patches.Circle((self.centerholeX, self.centerholeY), self.radiushole, color="white", alpha=1))
177        return axe
179    def _CircumRect(self):
180        return np.array([self.radius * 2, self.radius * 2])
182    def _CircumCirc(self):
183        return self.radius
185    def _Contour_points(self, NbPoint=100, edges=False):
186        """
187        Return a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points.
189        The points are distributed along the contour of the support so as to clearly define the edges.
190        The putpose is to use these points to draw a nicer mesh of the mirrors.
191        """
192        N_outer = int(round(NbPoint - NbPoint * self.radiushole / self.radius))
193        outer = gen_circle_contour(self.radius, N_outer)
194        hole = gen_circle_contour(self.radiushole, NbPoint - N_outer) + np.array([self.centerholeX, self.centerholeY])
195        return flatten_point_arrays(outer, [hole], edges=edges)

A round support for optics with a round hole.


radius : float
    The radius of the support in mm.

radiushole : float
    The radius of the hole in mm.

centerholeX : float
    The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

centerholeY : float
    The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
SupportRoundHole( Radius: float, RadiusHole: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float)
130    def __init__(self, Radius: float, RadiusHole: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float):
131        """
132        Parameters
133        ----------
134        Radius : float
135            The radius of the support in mm.
137        RadiusHole : float
138            The radius of the hole in mm.
140        CenterHoleX : float
141            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
143        CenterHoleY : float
144            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
146        """
147        self.radius = Radius
148        self.radiushole = RadiusHole
149        self.centerholeX = CenterHoleX
150        self.centerholeY = CenterHoleY


Radius : float The radius of the support in mm.

RadiusHole : float The radius of the hole in mm.

CenterHoleX : float The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

CenterHoleY : float The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

class SupportRectangle(Support):
201class SupportRectangle(Support):
202    """
203    A rectangular support for optics.
205    Attributes
206    ----------
207        dimX : float
208            The dimension in mm along x.
210        dimY : float
211            The dimension in mm along y.
213    """
215    def __init__(self, DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float):
216        """
217        Parameters
218        ----------
219        DimensionX : float
220            The dimension in mm along x.
222        DimensionY : float
223            The dimension in mm along y.
225        """
226        self.dimX = DimensionX
227        self.dimY = DimensionY
229    def _IncludeSupport(self, Point: np.ndarray) -> bool:
230        """Return whether 2D-Point is within the rectangular Support."""
231        return mgeo.IncludeRectangle(self.dimX, self.dimY, Point)
233    def _get_grid(self, NbPoints: int, **kwargs) -> list[np.ndarray]:
234        """
235        Returns a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points,
236        distributed as a regular grid on the support, with the origin in the center of the support.
237        """
238        nbx = int(
239            np.sqrt(self.dimX / self.dimY * NbPoints + 0.25 * (self.dimX - self.dimY) ** 2 / self.dimY**2)
240            - 0.5 * (self.dimX - self.dimY) / self.dimY
241        )
242        nby = int(NbPoints / nbx)
243        x = np.linspace(-self.dimX / 2, self.dimX / 2, nbx)
244        y = np.linspace(-self.dimY / 2, self.dimY / 2, nby)
245        ListCoordXY = []
246        for i in x:
247            for j in y:
248                ListCoordXY.append(np.array([i, j]))
249        return ListCoordXY
251    def _ContourSupport(self, Figure):
252        """Draws support contour in MirrorProjection plots."""
253        axe = Figure.add_subplot(111, aspect="equal")
254        axe.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((-self.dimX * 0.5, -self.dimY * 0.5), self.dimX, self.dimY, alpha=0.08))
255        return axe
257    def _CircumRect(self):
258        return np.array([self.dimX, self.dimY])
260    def _CircumCirc(self):
261        return np.sqrt(self.dimX**2 + self.dimY**2) / 2
263    def _Contour_points(self, NbPoint=100, edges=False):
264        """
265        Return a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points.
267        The points are distributed along the contour of the support so as to clearly define the edges.
268        The putpose is to use these points to draw a nicer mesh of the mirrors.
269        """
270        return flatten_point_arrays(gen_rectangle_contour(self.dimX, self.dimY, NbPoint), [], edges=edges)

A rectangular support for optics.


dimX : float
    The dimension in mm along x.

dimY : float
    The dimension in mm along y.
SupportRectangle(DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float)
215    def __init__(self, DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float):
216        """
217        Parameters
218        ----------
219        DimensionX : float
220            The dimension in mm along x.
222        DimensionY : float
223            The dimension in mm along y.
225        """
226        self.dimX = DimensionX
227        self.dimY = DimensionY


DimensionX : float The dimension in mm along x.

DimensionY : float The dimension in mm along y.

class SupportRectangleHole(Support):
274class SupportRectangleHole(Support):
275    """
276    A rectangular support for optics with a round hole.
278    Attributes
279    ----------
280        dimX : float
281            The dimension in mm along x.
283        dimY : float
284            The dimension in mm along y.
286        radiushole : float
287            The radius of the hole in mm.
289        centerholeX : float
290            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
292        centerholeY : float
293            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
295    """
297    def __init__(self, DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float, RadiusHole: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float):
298        """
299        Parameters
300        ----------
301        DimensionX : float
302            The dimension in mm along x.
304        DimensionY : float
305            The dimension in mm along y.
307        RadiusHole : float
308            The radius of the hole in mm.
310        CenterHoleX : float
311            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
313        CenterHoleY : float
314            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
316        """
317        self.dimX = DimensionX
318        self.dimY = DimensionY
319        self.radiushole = RadiusHole
320        self.centerholeX = CenterHoleX
321        self.centerholeY = CenterHoleY
323    def _IncludeSupport(self, Point):
324        """Returns whether 2D-Point is within the rectangular Support."""
325        return mgeo.IncludeRectangle(self.dimX, self.dimY, Point) and not (
326            mgeo.IncludeDisk(self.radiushole, Point - np.array([self.centerholeX, self.centerholeY, 0]))
327        )
329    def _get_grid(self, NbPoint, **kwargs):
330        """
331        Returns a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points,
332        distributed as a regular grid on the support, with the origin in the center of the support.
333        """
334        x = np.linspace(-self.dimX / 2, self.dimX / 2, int(self.dimX / self.dimY * np.sqrt(NbPoint)))
335        y = np.linspace(-self.dimY / 2, self.dimY / 2, int(self.dimY / self.dimX * np.sqrt(NbPoint)))
337        ListCoordXY = []
338        for i in x:
339            for j in y:
340                if (i - self.centerholeX) ** 2 + (j - self.centerholeY) ** 2 > self.radiushole**2:
341                    ListCoordXY.append(np.array([i, j]))
342        return ListCoordXY
344    def _ContourSupport(self, Figure):
345        """Draws support contour in MirrorProjection plots."""
346        axe = Figure.add_subplot(111, aspect="equal")
347        axe.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((-self.dimX * 0.5, -self.dimY * 0.5), self.dimX, self.dimY, alpha=0.08))
348        axe.add_patch(patches.Circle((self.centerholeX, self.centerholeY), self.radiushole, color="white", alpha=1))
349        return axe
351    def _CircumRect(self):
352        return np.array([self.dimX, self.dimY])
354    def _CircumCirc(self):
355        return np.sqrt(self.dimX**2 + self.dimY**2) / 2
357    def _Contour_points(self, NbPoint=100, edges=False):
358        """
359        Return a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points.
361        The points are distributed along the contour of the support so as to clearly define the edges.
362        The putpose is to use these points to draw a nicer mesh of the mirrors.
363        """
364        outer_length = 2 * (self.dimX + self.dimY)
365        hole_length = 2 * np.pi * self.radiushole
366        total_length = outer_length + hole_length
367        NbHole = int(round(hole_length / total_length * NbPoint))
368        outer = gen_rectangle_contour(self.dimX, self.dimY, NbPoint - NbHole)
369        hole = gen_circle_contour(self.radiushole, NbHole) + np.array([self.centerholeX, self.centerholeY])
370        return flatten_point_arrays(outer, [hole], edges=edges)

A rectangular support for optics with a round hole.


dimX : float
    The dimension in mm along x.

dimY : float
    The dimension in mm along y.

radiushole : float
    The radius of the hole in mm.

centerholeX : float
    The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

centerholeY : float
    The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
SupportRectangleHole( DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float, RadiusHole: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float)
297    def __init__(self, DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float, RadiusHole: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float):
298        """
299        Parameters
300        ----------
301        DimensionX : float
302            The dimension in mm along x.
304        DimensionY : float
305            The dimension in mm along y.
307        RadiusHole : float
308            The radius of the hole in mm.
310        CenterHoleX : float
311            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
313        CenterHoleY : float
314            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
316        """
317        self.dimX = DimensionX
318        self.dimY = DimensionY
319        self.radiushole = RadiusHole
320        self.centerholeX = CenterHoleX
321        self.centerholeY = CenterHoleY


DimensionX : float The dimension in mm along x.

DimensionY : float The dimension in mm along y.

RadiusHole : float The radius of the hole in mm.

CenterHoleX : float The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

CenterHoleY : float The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

class SupportRectangleRectHole(Support):
374class SupportRectangleRectHole(Support):
375    """
376    A rectangular support for optics, with a rectangular hole.
378    Attributes
379    ----------
380        dimX : float
381            The dimension in mm along x.
383        dimY : float
384            The dimension in mm along y.
386        holeX : float
387            The dimension of the hole in mm along x.
389        holeY : float
390            The dimension of the hole in mm along y.
392        centerholeX : float
393            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
395        centerholeY : float
396            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
398    """
400    def __init__(
401        self, DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float, HoleX: float, HoleY: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float
402    ):
403        """
404        Parameters
405        ----------
406        DimensionX : float
407            The dimension in mm along x.
409        DimensionY : float
410            The dimension in mm along y.
412        HoleX : float
413            The dimension of the hole in mm along x.
415        HoleY : float
416            The dimension of the hole in mm along y.
418        CenterHoleX : float
419            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
421        CenterHoleY : float
422            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
424        """
425        self.dimX = DimensionX
426        self.dimY = DimensionY
427        self.holeX = HoleX
428        self.holeY = HoleY
429        self.centerholeX = CenterHoleX
430        self.centerholeY = CenterHoleY
432    def _IncludeSupport(self, Point):
433        """Return whether 2D-Point is within the rectangular Support."""
434        return mgeo.IncludeRectangle(self.dimX, self.dimY, Point) and not mgeo.IncludeRectangle(
435            self.holeX, self.holeY, Point - np.array([self.centerholeX, self.centerholeY, 0])
436        )
438    def _get_grid(self, NbPoint, **kwargs):
439        """
440        Returns a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points,
441        distributed as a regular grid on the support, with the origin in the center of the support.
442        """
443        nbx = int(
444            np.sqrt(self.dimX / self.dimY * NbPoint + 0.25 * (self.dimX - self.dimY) ** 2 / self.dimY**2)
445            - 0.5 * (self.dimX - self.dimY) / self.dimY
446        )
447        nby = int(NbPoint / nbx)
448        x = np.linspace(-self.dimX / 2, self.dimX / 2, nbx)
449        y = np.linspace(-self.dimY / 2, self.dimY / 2, nby)
451        ListCoordXY = []
452        for i in x:
453            for j in y:
454                if abs(i - self.centerholeX) > self.holeX / 2 or abs(j - self.centerholeY) > self.holeY / 2:
455                    ListCoordXY.append(np.array([i, j]))
456        return ListCoordXY
458    def _ContourSupport(self, Figure):
459        """Draws support contour in MirrorProjection plots."""
460        axe = Figure.add_subplot(111, aspect="equal")
461        axe.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((-self.dimX * 0.5, -self.dimY * 0.5), self.dimX, self.dimY, alpha=0.08))
462        axe.add_patch(
463            patches.Rectangle(
464                (-self.holeX * 0.5 + self.centerholeX, -self.holeY * 0.5 + self.centerholeY),
465                self.holeX,
466                self.holeY,
467                color="white",
468                alpha=1,
469            )
470        )
471        return axe
473    def _CircumRect(self):
474        return np.array([self.dimX, self.dimY])
476    def _CircumCirc(self):
477        return np.sqrt(self.dimX**2 + self.dimY**2) / 2
479    def _Contour_points(self, NbPoint=100, edges=False):
480        """
481        Return a list of 2D-numpy-arrays with the coordinates a number NbPoints of points.
483        The points are distributed along the contour of the support so as to clearly define the edges.
484        The putpose is to use these points to draw a nicer mesh of the mirrors.
485        """
486        outer_length = 2 * (self.dimX + self.dimY)
487        hole_length = 2 * (self.holeX + self.holeY)
488        total_length = outer_length + hole_length
489        NbHole = int(round(hole_length / total_length * NbPoint))
490        outer = gen_rectangle_contour(self.dimX, self.dimY, NbPoint - NbHole)
491        hole = gen_rectangle_contour(self.holeX, self.holeY, NbHole) + np.array([self.centerholeX, self.centerholeY])
492        return flatten_point_arrays(outer, [hole[::-1]], edges=edges)

A rectangular support for optics, with a rectangular hole.


dimX : float
    The dimension in mm along x.

dimY : float
    The dimension in mm along y.

holeX : float
    The dimension of the hole in mm along x.

holeY : float
    The dimension of the hole in mm along y.

centerholeX : float
    The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

centerholeY : float
    The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
SupportRectangleRectHole( DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float, HoleX: float, HoleY: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float)
400    def __init__(
401        self, DimensionX: float, DimensionY: float, HoleX: float, HoleY: float, CenterHoleX: float, CenterHoleY: float
402    ):
403        """
404        Parameters
405        ----------
406        DimensionX : float
407            The dimension in mm along x.
409        DimensionY : float
410            The dimension in mm along y.
412        HoleX : float
413            The dimension of the hole in mm along x.
415        HoleY : float
416            The dimension of the hole in mm along y.
418        CenterHoleX : float
419            The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
421        CenterHoleY : float
422            The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.
424        """
425        self.dimX = DimensionX
426        self.dimY = DimensionY
427        self.holeX = HoleX
428        self.holeY = HoleY
429        self.centerholeX = CenterHoleX
430        self.centerholeY = CenterHoleY


DimensionX : float The dimension in mm along x.

DimensionY : float The dimension in mm along y.

HoleX : float The dimension of the hole in mm along x.

HoleY : float The dimension of the hole in mm along y.

CenterHoleX : float The x-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

CenterHoleY : float The y-cordinate of the hole's centre, in mm.

def find_hull(points):
495def find_hull(points):
496    # start from leftmost point
497    current_point = min(range(len(points)), key=lambda i: points[i][0])
498    # initialize hull with current point
499    hull = [current_point]
500    # initialize list of linked points
501    linked = []
502    # continue until all points have been linked
503    while len(linked) < len(points) - 1:
504        # initialize minimum distance and closest point
505        min_distance = math.inf
506        closest_point = None
507        # find closest unlinked point to current point
508        for i, point in enumerate(points):
509            if i not in linked:
510                distance = math.dist(points[current_point], point)
511                if distance < min_distance:
512                    min_distance = distance
513                    closest_point = i
514        # add closest point to hull and linked list
515        hull.append(closest_point)
516        linked.append(closest_point)
517        # update current point
518        current_point = closest_point
519    # add link between last point and first point
520    hull.append(hull[0])
521    # convert hull to a list of pairs of indices
522    indices = [[hull[i], hull[i + 1]] for i in range(len(hull) - 1)]
523    return indices
def gen_rectangle_contour(dimX, dimY, NbPoints):
526def gen_rectangle_contour(dimX, dimY, NbPoints):
527    # calculate number of points on each side
528    nX = math.ceil(dimX / (dimX + dimY) * NbPoints)
529    nY = NbPoints - nX
530    # calculate distance between points on each side
531    dX = dimX / (nX - 1)
532    dY = dimY / (nY - 1)
533    # generate points on top side
534    top_points = [(i * dX - dimX / 2, dimY / 2) for i in range(nX)]
535    # generate points on right side
536    right_points = [(dimX / 2, dimY / 2 - i * dY) for i in range(1, nY)]
537    # generate points on bottom side
538    bottom_points = [(dimX / 2 - i * dX, -dimY / 2) for i in range(1, nX)]
539    # generate points on left side
540    left_points = [(-dimX / 2, -dimY / 2 + i * dY) for i in range(1, nY - 1)]
541    # concatenate points in counterclockwise order
542    points = top_points + right_points + bottom_points + left_points
543    return np.array(points)
def gen_circle_contour(radius, NbPoints):
546def gen_circle_contour(radius, NbPoints):
547    # calculate angle between points
548    angle = 2 * math.pi / NbPoints
549    # generate points
550    points = [(radius * math.cos(i * angle), radius * math.sin(i * angle)) for i in range(NbPoints)]
551    return np.array(points)
def flatten_point_arrays(outer, holes=[], edges=False):
554def flatten_point_arrays(outer, holes=[], edges=False):
555    coords = [i for i in outer]
556    edges_list = []
557    offset = len(coords)
558    for arr in holes:
559        # add coordinates to list
560        coords.extend(arr)
561        # add edges to list
562        if edges:
563            n = arr.shape[0]
564            edge_indices = np.arange(n)
565            edge_indices += offset
566            edges_list += [edge_indices.T.tolist() + [offset]]
567        # update offset
568        offset += arr.shape[0]
569    if edges:
570        return coords, edges_list
571    else:
572        return coords